Friday, June 3, 2011

Terminator 5 plot rumors

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Terminator 5 plot rumors

Despite Arnold's zipper issues development on Terminator 5 is moving ahead. The rumor about the original cast has been debunked by Director Justin Lin, so the question of where the franchise will be headed. What's Playing reports rumors that the film will be a reboot with the original timeline being torn. Arnold is said to have a big role in the film, but no word on exactally what the role would be (given his age it would be hard to see him as The Terminator anymore). Other rumors have Paul Walker as a possible male lead, but no word on if he would play Reese or Connor.

I'm not sure I'm really looking forward to this one. I was let down by Salvation, and with Arnold in his 60's I just can't really see this film being much better than the last. The Terminator franchise worked because of Arnold's Terminator. Without it what do we have? Not much in my opinion.

What do you think?

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