Monday, June 6, 2011

Blue-Ray/DVD Trailer for Season of the Witch

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Blue-Ray/DVD Trailer for Season of the Witch

20th Century Fox has released a trailer designed exclusivly toward the DVD/Blue-Ray release of Season of the Witch. Check out the goodies below.


Supernatural thriller Season of the Witch stars Nicolas Cage as medieval knight Behmen, who undertakes a mission pitting him against a devious witch and making him the last hope for the world against an ancient and dark force. His faith broken by years of battle as a crusader, Behmen returns to central Europe to find his homeland decimated by the Black Plague. While searching for food and supplies at the Palace at Marburg, Behmen and his trusted companion, Felson (Ron Perlman), are apprehended and ordered by the dying Cardinal to deliver a young peasant girl believed to be the witch responsible for the Plague to a remote abbey where her powers can be destroyed. Behmen agrees to the assignment but only if the peasant girl is granted a fair trial. As he and five others set off on this dangerous journey, they realize with mounting dread that the cunning girl is no ordinary human and that their mission will pit them against an evil that even in these dark times they never could have imagined.

The Blu-ray will feature 1080p video and a DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 soundtrack, and both discs will contain the following special features:

•Feature commentary

•Deleted scenes

•Becoming the Demon featurette

•On a Crusade featurette

•Alternate ending

•Theatrical trailer

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